Creation of modern effective technologies,
automation, intensification of production,
implementation of planning and management with
the help of modern information and communication
technologies are the main factors of acceleration of
scientific and technical progress. The purpose of the
article is to show the importance of using
information technologies in the training of future
specialists. Without the integration of the
educational environment of the higher school into
the informational educational environment, without
the exit of the educational process into the global
information space, significant development of
modern educational systems is impossible. In order
to substantiate the principles of improving the
professional training of education seekers, a
quantitative analysis of open educational resources
is proposed, the most popular platforms on which the path to open educational resources is designed
are determined. The article examines the conditions
by which the effectiveness of pedagogical support
is achieved in the distance learning process. The
substantiation of the most essential criteria and
indicators involves the assessment of the quality of
personality education in the digital educational
space. They offer the perfect use of digital
information, readiness for communication, critical
thinking, digital and social competence
У статті розглянуто
умови, за допомогою яких у процесі
дистанційного навчання досягається
ефективність педагогічного супроводу.
Обґрунтування найсуттєвіших критеріїв і
показників передбачає оцінка якості виховання
особистості в цифровому освітньо-виховному