Significant prevalence and multifactorial occurrence of psoriasis are the main reasons
why this disease has been studied for years by scientists in the field of dermatology.
Finding tools to predict the occurrence and severity of this disease is one of the key
unrealized areas of modern medicine in the field of skin diseases. The purpose of the
study is to build and analyze discriminant models of the possibility and features of
psoriasis course in Ukrainian men without and taking into account the somatotype,
depending on the structure and size of the body. Anthropometric and somatotypological
examination of 82 practically healthy and 100 patients with mild and severe psoriasis
was performed. Construction of discriminant models of the possibility of occurrence
and features of psoriasis depending on anthropo-somatotypological indicators is
performed in the license package "Statistica 5.5". It was found that men of the general
group and representatives of the mesomorphic somatotype can reliably interpret the
obtained classification indicators both between healthy and patients with psoriasis of
different course, and between men with psoriasis of mild and severe course (correctness
84.1% of cases, statistics Wilks' Lambda=0.074, р<0.001 in the general group, correctness 83.6% of cases, statistics Wilks' Lambda=0.077, р<0.001 in mesomorphic
somatotype). In men of endo-mesomorphic somatotype, a reliable interpretation of the
obtained classification indicators is possible only between healthy and psoriatic men
(correctness 84.6%, statistics Wilks' Lambda=0.027, р<0.001). Discriminant models
in men of the general group include body diameters and SFT (44.4% each) and the fat
component of body weight (11.1% each); in men of mesomorphic somatotype - body
diameters (57.1%), SFT (28.6%) and body surface area (14.3%); in men of endomesomorphic somatotype - body diameters (60.0%) and SFT on the thigh and the
height of the finger anthropometric point (20.0% each). The greatest contribution to
discrimination in men of the general group and representatives of the mesomorphic
somatotype is made by shoulder width, and in men of endo-mesomorphic somatotype
- shoulder width, interspinous and intercristal distances. The results obtained, especially
in the division of men into somatotypes, indicate a high genetic predisposition to