The importance of teleradiographic indicators in the diagnosis and planning of orthodontic treatment is difficult tooverestimate, but their relationship with the size of teeth and dental arches in different age and sex groups remains insufficientlystudied. This is especially relevant for the Ukrainian population, where individual anatomical features can affect the effectiveness oforthodontic interventions, which makes the study of such relationships important for improving approaches to diagnosis and treatment.The purpose of the study is to establish the specifics of correlations between teleroentgenometric parameters according to the Steinermethod with the dimensions of teeth and dental arches in Ukrainian young men and young women with a physiological bite. Amorphometric study of the teeth and dental arches was carried out, and teleroentgenometric indicators were determined using theSteiner method from the primary computer tomograms of 41 Ukrainian young men (aged 17 to 21) and 68 Ukrainian young women (aged16 to 20), which were obtained from data bank of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Research Center of the National PirogovMemorial Medical University, Vinnytsya. The evaluation of correlations between teleroentgenometric indicators according to theSteiner method and computed tomographic dimensions of teeth and dental arches was carried out in the license package "Statistica6.0" using Spearman's non-parametric statistics. As a result of the analysis of the reliable and average strength of unreliablecorrelations between teleroentgenometric parameters according to the Steiner method with the sizes of teeth and dental arches, it wasestablished: in young men - 5.71 % of similar relationships with the sizes of the teeth of the upper jaw (mostly reliable straight linesof average strength with the sizes of incisors and canines), only 1.79 % with the dimensions of the teeth of the lower jaw and 6.60 % withthe dimensions of the dental arches (mainly reliable straight and reverse of medium strength with distances characterizing the positionof canines and first premolars relative to the hard palate, as well as the distance between the crowns of the central incisors and the linethat connects the molars of the upper jaw); in young women - 4.82 % of similar relationships with the dimensions of the teeth of the upperjaw (mostly reliable straight lines of weak force with the dimensions of canines), 5.00 % with the dimensions of the teeth of the lowerjaw (mostly reliable straight lines of weak force with the dimensions of incisors), 14.58 % with the dimensions of dental arches (mainlyreliable direct and reverse medium strength with the distances between the crowns of the central incisors and the line connecting thecanines, the first premolars and molars of the upper jaw, as well as the distances between the distal and medial roots of the lower firstmolars). Thus, in Ukrainian young men and young women with a physiological bite, the peculiarities and gender differences of thecorrelations between teleroentgenometric indicators according to the Steiner method and computed tomographic dimensions of teethand dental arches were established.