"Essays" (Book 3) presents materials on the implementation of the anthropophysiological approach in the systemic characteristics of the hemodynamic maintenance of the somatic state in postnatal ontogenesis. Using the ANTROPOS-CAVASCREEN diagnostic system and the anthropophysiological approach, focused on the main biological quality of a person - upright walking, a systematic characterization of the "anthropogenetic model" of the age-related dynamics of the cardiovascular system in different somatic conditions was carried out. On the basis of an anthropophysiologically oriented and typologically differentiated diagnostic scale with the use of criterion and syndromic analyses, an integral assessment of the multiparameter complex of hemodynamic characteristics of different dimensions - "hemodynamic model" (group samples) and "hemodynamic profile" (individual condition) was carried out. An alternative diagnostic algorithm for the hemodynamic identification of circulatory syndromes of heart failure, which is considered as the circulatory basis of fatigue syndrome and a predictor of cardiac incidents, is substantiated. A variety of hemodynamic profile is shown in ischemic heart disease and post-infarction cardiosclerosis, in other somatic conditions, and in fatigue.