Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. It has been established that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of patients with this pathology, forcing researchers, scientists and physicians to look for risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, one of which is hyperhomocysteinemia (HHCys). The aim of the research is to study the features of submicroscopic changes in the heart of adult rats under conditions of HHCys. Experimental studies were performed on 22 white nonlinear adult (6-8 months) male rats in accordance with the principles of bioethics (Strasbourg, 1986; Kyiv, 2001). During the experiment, the animals were divided into two groups – control and experimental. Simulation of persistent HHCys was achieved by administering to rats the experimental group thiolactone homocysteine (HCys) at a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight intragastrally for 60 days. Ultrathin sections were studied in the PEM – 125K electron microscope. It was found that the introduction of thiolactone HCys to adult rats at a dose of 200 mg/kg causes the development of dystrophic and destructive changes in the heart of animals. Significant connective tissue edema was observed in the endocardium, and disturbances in the components of the microcirculatory tract were detected in the myocardium. Local enlightenment, cytoplasmic edema and local condensation of heterochromatin in hypertrophied nuclei were detected in hemocapillary endothelial cells. In cardiomyocytes, myofibrils are thickened, mitochondria are swollen with partial destruction of the cristae, tubules of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and T-tubules are dilated. These findings indicate that in adult rats HHCys caused the development of pathological changes in the endocardium, myocardium of experimental animals and in the microcirculatory tract.