The article presents data on the living conditions and socialization of patients in a psychoneurological hospital, and their survey results on doctors and paramedics' attitudes. The most popular method of studying satisfaction with sanitary and hygienic conditions, and the mentally ill is the quality of medical care is a questionnaire. The results of a sociological survey of patients on their assessment of living conditions, attitudes, and treatment by medical staff and evaluation of the quality of medical care according to the following criteria: satisfaction with sanitary and hygienic conditions, satisfaction with the doctor-patient relationship, satisfaction with treatment, stigma medical staff, measures to improve living conditions, socialization and others. The article describes the terms of stay of patients in psychiatric hospitals of the Republic of Poland. The comparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and the Poland Republic on the protection of the rights and dignity of people with mental disorders. Proposals for the regulation of legal norms and organizational principles concerning mentally ill patients, measures to improve the material and technical condition, and sanitation of patients and health care workers to create more comfortable conditions in the hospital environment and conditions for the socialization of patients.