Preeclampsia is a potentially serious complication of pregnancy with increasing significance worldwide. Preeclampsia is the cause of 9–26% of global maternal mortality and a significant proportion of preterm delivery, and maternal and neonatal morbidity. We present the case, which has had serious complications during pregnancy due to severe preeclampsia, and that ended with the death of the patient. Despite the management with the timely diagnosis and therapy, patient died 62 hours after caesarean delivery. Early detection, optimal prevention, and algorithm “CALM DOWN” of medical personnel actions of severe PE at all levels of health care are required for better maternal as well as perinatal outcome. We hope our clinical case will complement the understanding of specific areas of obstetric emergency care. As in all clinical cases there are often a number of approaches that can be taken and the way each case is ultimately managed, does not necessarily represent the only management strategy.