Репозиторий Винницкого национального медицинского университета имени Н. И. Пирогова

ПросмотрНаукові публікації каф. акушерства і гінекології №2 по теме "logistic regression"

ПросмотрНаукові публікації каф. акушерства і гінекології №2 по теме "logistic regression"

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  • Bulavenko, O.; Ostapiuk, L.; Rud, V.; Rud, O. (Acta Scientific Women's Health, 2019)
    Introduction: During our investigation of postpartum purulent-inflammatory diseases we implied both standardised set of diagnostic tools as well as fluorescent spectroscopy. ROC-analysis and logistic regression were implied ...
  • Bulavenko, O.; Ostapiuk, L.; Voloshinovskii, A.; Rud, V.; Malyi, T.; Rud, O. (EC Gynaecology, 2020)
    We aimed to build a prognostic model to forecast development of postpartum endometritis based on the use of standard diagnostic algorithm. Additionally, we implied the use of fluorescent spectroscopy, logistic regression ...
  • Bulavenko, O.; Ostapiuk, L.; Voloshinovskii, A.; Rud, V.; Malyi, T.; Rud, O. (International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020)
    Background: Currently, postpartum purulent-inflammatory diseases continue to be a prominent issue in medicine. As a result, numerous scientific publications were devoted to finding the solution to this issue. Primarily ...

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