Repository of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia

Структурні зміни епітеліального та клубочкового компонентів нирок щурів при моделюванні хронічного токсичного гепатиту та корекції лізиноприлом

Show simple item record Рикало, Н. А. Береговенко, Ю. М. 2025-03-12T20:20:36Z 2025-03-12T20:20:36Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Рикало Н. А. Структурні зміни епітеліального та клубочкового компонентів нирок щурів при моделюванні хронічного токсичного гепатиту та корекції лізиноприлом / Н. А. Рикало, Ю. М. Береговенко // Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини. – 2017. – № 48 (2). – С. 104-109. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The article presents the structural changes of epithelial and glomerular components of kidneys of rats with chronic toxic hepatitis (CTН) and with correction of lisinopril. Experimental studies conducted on 34 white laboratory immature rats with an initial body weight 50?70 gr. chronic toxic hepatitis was modelling by intragastric administration of 0,1 ml/100 g weight CCl4 oil solution twice a week for 8 weeks. Lisinopril (at a dose of 20 mg/kg) was introduced into the stomach simultaneously with hepatotoxin daily. It was established that CTН is accompanied by a disturbance of trophiсs of the kidney tissues, potentiated the development of mucoid and fibrinoid edema of arterioles of the glomeruli and stroma, which led to the development of dystrophic changes in endotheliocytes and mesangial cells. In the epitheliocytes of the tubules, protein granularity was detected, in places hydrophilic dystrophy of varying degrees of severity, along with necrobiosis and necrosis of individual epitheliocytes. Some of the necrotic cells slipped into the lumen of the tubules. The preserved or partially preserved epithelial cells were located on the basal membranes, their intercellular contacts were dense, but the localization of the nuclei shifted somewhat. The use of lisinopril contributed to a decrease in the toxic damage of the vascular component of the kidney and prevented the development of dystrophic? necrotic changes in kidney epithelial component of the kidney. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA_ uk_UA
dc.publisher Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини uk_UA
dc.subject chronic toxic hepatitis uk_UA
dc.subject rats uk_UA
dc.subject lisinopril uk_UA
dc.subject morphological factors of the epithelial and glomerular compo nents of the kidney uk_UA
dc.title Структурні зміни епітеліального та клубочкового компонентів нирок щурів при моделюванні хронічного токсичного гепатиту та корекції лізиноприлом uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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