Короткий опис (реферат):
The determination of the subsequent comprehensive assessment of the peculiaritiesof the course of adaptation processes, which are characteristic of modern studentyouth who acquire a certain profession, are closely related to the establishment of theregularities of the course of numerous adaptive mechanisms in the plane ofimplementation of psychophysiological, mental, and socio-psychological adaptation.The purpose of the work is to carry out a comprehensive hygienic assessment of theadaptation capabilities of the organism based on the definition of its social andpsychological component and aggressive personality manifestations of modern studentsat various stages of education in a higher education institution. Scientific studies wereconducted using questionnaires by Rogers and Diamond and Bass-Darky. 307 students,including 150 young women and 157 young men, who studied in the first, third and sixthyears of the medical faculty were under supervision during the observation period. Theanalysis of the obtained data involved the application of descriptive statistics proceduresbased on the application of the statistical analysis program package "Statistica 6.1"(license number ВXXR901E245722FA). It was established that the highest level ofexpression of integral indicators of social and psychological adaptation of students, regardless of the time of study in a higher education institution, is characteristic of thecharacteristics of adaptation manifestations regarding the desire to dominate andaccept others; at the same time, the lowest level of expression is for the characteristicsof internality and therefore, determines the presence of pronounced signs oftransformations of the adaptive content, which mark the tense course of the processesof social and psychological adaptation of students to the conditions of stay in a medicalinstitution of higher education. It was found that among the overwhelming number ofstudents who were studied, the indicators of aggressive personality manifestationsexceed the values typical for normative age-sex indicators. This situation determinesthe need for the development of methods for a comprehensive assessment of the stateof adaptive resources of the body of young men and women studying and scientificsubstantiation of health-preserving technologies, based on which measures ofpsychohygienic correction should take the leading place.