Repository of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia

Гігієнічні вимоги до місць зберігання автотранспорту на території закладів охорони здоров’я приватної форми власності з урахуванням закордонного досвіду

Show simple item record Очеретяна, Г. В. uk Махнюк, В. М. uk Горваль, А. К. uk Чоpна, В. В. uk 2022-10-31T18:39:15Z 2022-10-31T18:39:15Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Гігієнічні вимоги до місць зберігання автотранспорту на території закладів охорони здоров’я приватної форми власності з урахуванням закордонного досвіду / Г. В. Очеретяна, В. М. Махнюк, А. К. Горваль, В. В. Чоpна // Гігієна населених місць. - 2019. - № 69. - С. 24-32. - URL: uk_UA
dc.description.abstract We carried out a comparative analysis of the national sanitary-hygienic requirements and the European experience regarding the location of the sites for motor transport storage at the territory of health care institutions under conditions of dense urban building. In the study we used the standards of the national sanitary and town-planning legislation and the standards of other countries regarding the location of health care institutions on the urban residential area. We used bibliosemantic method (to analyze the use of normative-legal regulation), theoretical method (retrospective use of scientific research data), analytical one (development of the methods for the hygienic assessment of construction projects); sanitary-epidemiological examination of the projects of the construction of health care institutions. At the result of the study of foreign experience in design and location of healthcare institutions the following was established: development of digital medical technologies, new technologies for the treatment, which do not require long stay of patients in the healthcare institutions which is typical for day hospitals, and requires a revision of the norms of the land: the norm of 25 m² of green space per bed in particular; for a convenient storage of the cars of the patients, visitors, and medical staff, we consider it is appropriate to introduce a permission for location of the underground parking at the territory of healthcare institutions into the normative-legal framework of sanitary legislation that will correspond to the requirements of the current town-planning legislation (SBN B.2.2.-10-2001); construction of a multidisciplinary hospital for 155 beds with the introduction of countervailing measures: a use of the adjacent park as a green zone to decrease a deficiency of land area, arrangement of underground car parking for 141 parking places, location of open ground parking for 38 cars, observing sanitary distances similar to the foreign ones, which will increase an accessibility of the health care institutions for patients, visitors, and medical staff and the rational use of land area. The results of the studies and the proposed measures will facilitate the implementation of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union (Association Agreements, Chapter 22 "On Public Health", Articles N 426,N 427) and will promote the cooperation in the sphere of health care to improve security and protection of human health as a prerequisite for a sustainable development and economic growth, and will ensure the implementation of a “public health in all policies” approach and facilitate the gradual integration of Ukraine into the European healthcare base. en
dc.language.iso uk_UA_ uk_UA
dc.subject заклади охорони здоров’я uk_UA
dc.subject вітчизняні санітарно-гігієнічні вимоги uk_UA
dc.subject європейські норми та стандарти uk_UA
dc.subject зонування території uk_UA
dc.subject умови розміщення місць для зберігання автотранспорту uk_UA
dc.title Гігієнічні вимоги до місць зберігання автотранспорту на території закладів охорони здоров’я приватної форми власності з урахуванням закордонного досвіду uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Hygienic requirements for the site of storage of motor transport at the territory of private health care institutions taking into account the international experience en
dc.type Article en

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