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dc.contributor.author Жамба, A. O. uk
dc.contributor.author Zhamba, A. O. en
dc.date.accessioned 2018-03-27T10:32:13Z
dc.date.available 2018-03-27T10:32:13Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Жамба А. О. Ототоксичність лікарських засобів / А. О. Жамба // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2015. – Вип. З, т. 1. – С. 40-44. uk
dc.identifier.issn 2077-4214
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.vnmu.edu.ua/123456789/2218
dc.description The article is devoted to the problem of ototoxic drugs. Hearing problems can cause more than 130 medications, they are called ototoxic. Ototoxicity - a harmful effect of drugs and other chemicals on the organ of hearing and /or vestibular system, which is accompanied by worsening or loss of hearing and balance disorders. Ototoxic effects of drugs are the destructive effect on sensitive cells (neurons) of the inner ear and auditory nerve. Signs and symptoms from ototoxic drug action are indicated. Groups of drugs and certain drugs, including antibiotics and macrolides aminoglycoside, loop diuretics, NSAIDs, cytostatics, anti-ТВ drugs thatare ototoxiccare listed. Various mechanisms of ototoxicity and destruction of certain structures of ears depending on certain groups of drugs are described. Risk patients and risk factors that contribute to manifestations of ototoxicity are indicated. When used ototoxic drugs should take into account their pharmacokinetics. It was established that the concentration of antibiotics in fluids of the inner ear grows slowly but reaches very high concentrations that exceed its level in the blood, and kept for a longtime. Characteristically, the lesions of organ of hearing and balance by drugs are most common in patients with impaired renal excretory function, as the elimination of ototoxic drugs occurs mainly through the kidneys. It should be noted that ototoxic drugs are also nephrotoxic. A possible explanation is similarity of functions of vascular epithelium strips and renal tubules that support electrochemical gradients. However, renal tubular epithelium is able to regenerate, while damage of hair cells and vascular strips in organ of hearing is often irreversible. Cases of congenital deafness in children whose mothers used ototoxic drugs during pregnancy were registered. Ability of certain ototoxic drugs to penetrate the placenta and reach in the fetus blood higher concentration than in maternal blood is very important in such situations. An important pathogenetic factor is the features of the kidneys function during pregnancy (endocrine and mechanical influences) and kidney diseases in pregnant women. Consequently, pregnancy is a major contraindication to the use of ototoxic drugs. Thus, doctor should assess benefits and risks of drugs, and at pharmacotherapy of pregnant women and children- should renounce the use of ototoxic drugs. Its usage can be able only in cases of threats to the life of the patient, when these drugs cannot be replaced by others. In this case, pharmacotherapy should be performed only in a hospital, under conditions: monitoring of renal function and serum blood drug level; monitoring of hearing on high frequencies (8-20 kHz) and the possibility of using, if necessary, registration of induced auditory potentials. To assess the quality of life of the patient should use criteria for assessing of functional impairment at ototoxic lesions of the inner ear due to International Classification of organism functions developed by WHO. The use of ototoxic drugs requires a strict medical supervision, monitoring, prevention and accounting. The patient should be informed of the possibility of ototoxic drug influence, about alternative methods of treatment and must give written consent to its application. en
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена проблемі ототоксичності лікарських засобів (ЛЗ). Ототоксичний ефект ЛЗ полягає в руйнівній дії препаратів на чутливі клітини (нейрони) внутрішнього вуха і слуховий нерв. Вказані прояви та симптоматика ототоксичнї дії препарату. Переховані групи препаратів та окремі ЛЗ, зокрема антибіотики з % групи аміноглікозидів та макролідів, петльові діуретики, НПЗЛЗ, цитостатики, протитуберкульозні ЛЗ, які діють ототоксично. Описані різні механізми розвитку ототоксичності та ураження певних структур вуха в залежності від конкретних груп препаратів. Вказані групи ризику пацієнтів та фактори ризику, які сприяють проявам ототоксичності. Застосування ототоксичних препаратів потребує суворого медичного контролю, моніторингу, профілактики та обліку. uk
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk
dc.subject ототоксичність uk
dc.subject лікарські засоби uk
dc.subject слуху зниження uk
dc.subject ототоксичность ru
dc.subject лекарственные средства ru
dc.subject слуха снижение ru
dc.subject ototoxicity en
dc.subject hearing loss en
dc.title Ототоксичність лікарських засобів uk
dc.title.alternative Ототоксичность лекарственных средств ru
dc.title.alternative Drug-Induced Ototoxicity en
dc.type Article en

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