Короткий опис (реферат):
Background: This study aims to analyze the features of CNFA (Clitocybe nebularis fungus agglutinin labeled) lectin binding to glycoproteins of the gastric mucosa in patients with Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis with varying degrees of neoplasia.
Methods: Biopsies were performed during endoscopy, considering the requirements of the modified Sydney system. Biopsy material was obtained from 365 people who applied to a regional medical hospital and processed using conventional histological methods.
Carbohydrate determinants were detected in accordance with the protocol of lectin-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine staining. The interpretation of the results of the study was carried out by an examination of four pathologists, independently of each other.
Results: Lectin-histochemical analysis of the distribution of carbohydrate determinants to N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectin CNFA in Helicobacter pylori (+) (H. pylori) patients with chronic non-atrophic gastritis (CNG) and chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) has
established a moderate and diffuse strong CNFA depression in super nuclear zones of the mucous neck cells with a significant increase in the expression of CNFA (p=0.001) in CAG patients with high-grade of neoplasia. At the same time, in 70% and 95% of patients
respectively, the expression of CNFA lectin was increased in places of accumulation of Helicobacter infection compared with 30% of H. pylori patients (p=0.001).