Короткий опис (реферат):
The behavior of additional shot factors and residual shot components when using different types of firearms and ammunition has been a subject of discussion for a long time among experts in the field of ballistics. The study of their impact on a trace-receiving surface, which can be a human body, clothing or other objects, has become a central element of modern scientific work in this area. The behavior of additional factors of the shot and ammunition in contact with different types of clothing is rather unclear and unpredictable, which is mainly due to the different models of experiments used in the field of ballistics. The most promising and closest to real conditions is to conduct an experiment where clothing is part of a complex with a human body or a human body simulator. The purpose of the study is to establish the peculiarities of damage to denim fabric when shots from
«Fort 12R» and «AE 790G1» pistols are fired at the complex «clothing + non biological human body simulator». 30 gelatin blocks were manufactured according to a generally accepted methodology, which were subsequently covered with a skin imitator and a layer of denim. Subsequently, shots were fired from «Fort 12R» and «AE 790G1» pistols at close range, 25 and 50 cm. Generally accepted forensic methods were used to describe the damage to the clothing. The analysis of the data showed that both the «Fort 12R» and «AE 790G1» produced the largest defect at close range, but tears were observed only with the «AE 790G1»; at shots from a distance of 25 cm, virtually no differences in the macroscopic picture of denim damage were found; at shots from a distance of 50 cm, larger defect values were found when using «AE 790G1» compared to «Fort 12R». Thus, our study showed that the macroscopic examination of denim samples after shots from the «Fort 12R» and «AE 790G1» pistols showed virtually no differences, except for shots at close range, which in turn requires the expert to use additional research methods if it is necessary to identify the pistol or the distance of the shot.