Короткий опис (реферат):
Abstract: The full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine actualized the problem of the use of chemical weaponsof destruction, in particular with a pronounced irritant effect. Today, there is a need to analyze cases of the use of such weapons duringmilitary operations in Ukraine and to characterize the consequences of their use, to develop tactics for preserving the lives and healthof both employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, employees of the security and defense sector, and the civilian population. Thepurpose of the article is to highlight the problem of using chemical weapons of irritant action in the conditions of a full-scale invasionof the russian federation into Ukraine and the social and medical consequences of its use. We used the following methods andtechniques: empirical analysis (observation, historical analogy, comparison), complex research (structural analysis and synthesis,generalization, argumentation). The basis for our research was the sources of scientometric databases Web of Science, Scopus,PubMed, Index Copernicus and our own experience. Our research makes it possible to develop a complex of medical and othermeasures aimed at preventing or as much as possible weakening the impressive and destructive effect of weapons of mass destructionin order to preserve the life, health, fighting capacity and working capacity of the personnel of the troops and the population, as well asthe preservation of military, civilian, natural objects, animals, material values and development of tactics for protection in case of itsapplication. The need for high-quality training of units of the Medical Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, health care institutions,employees of the State Emergency Service and the National Police to protect personnel and the population during the use of chemicalweapons of irritant action was emphasized.