Короткий опис (реферат):
We examined 50 patients with stage II hypertension and frequent symptomatic ventricular extrasystoles and 32 patients with stage II hypertension without any cardiac arrhythmias. All patients underwent a comprehensive clinical and instrumental examination, daily blood pressure monitoring, and echocardiographic examination. It was determined that patients with ventricular extrasystoles had significantly (p<0.04) higher systolic blood pressure values during the day and at night. Systolic blood pressure variability at night showed the highest values in patients with frequent extrasystoles, which may indicate a complicated course of hypertension in this category of patients and increase the risk of target organ damage. In addition, frequent ventricular extrasystole in patients with stage II hypertension was associated with right heart overload, with an increase in the frequency of mitral valve fibrosis/calcification and tricuspid regurgitation, a decrease in ejection fraction and a deterioration in myocardial relaxation capacity.