Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Taran, O. en
dc.contributor.author Konkov, D. en
dc.contributor.author Klivak, V. en
dc.contributor.author Muntian, O. en
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-27T11:21:16Z en
dc.date.available 2024-03-27T11:21:16Z en
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation The features of the prevention of preeclampsia in pregnant women with gestational endotheliopathy in the first trimester / O. Taran, D. Konkov, V. Klivak, O. Muntian // The proceeding of the 5th International Congress on Maternal Hemodynamics, Florence, 7–9 March 2024. – Florence, 2024. – P. 7. en
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.vnmu.edu.ua/123456789/6527 en
dc.description.abstract Low-dose aspirin (ASA) has been used during pregnancy, most commonly to prevent or delay the onset of preeclampsia. The Ukrainian National clinical guideline (2022) recommending daily 100-150mg from 12 weeks of gestation and continued until 35-36 weeks for women with highest risk development of preeclampsia. Most of the entheliotropic drugs are either not recommended during pregnancy due to a lack of reliable data about the absence of teratogenic and embryotoxic effects (resveratrol, meldonium), or are only undergoing clinical trials (statins proton pump inhibitors, metformin), or raise concerns about a possible link between prenatal exposure and neonatal death from pulmonary hypertension (sildenafil). In addition, all of the above drugs have a stimulating effect on the endothelium, which leads to the production of NO, but also to endothelial depletion. Therefore, it is very important to use a NO precursor from which the endothelium can synthesize the necessary substances. Thus, there is a need for a class of endothelioprotective agents that not only stimulate the endothelium to produce NO but also supply the substrate. The only substance that is a substrate for NO synthesis is L-arginine. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.subject pregnancy en
dc.subject preeclampsia en
dc.subject gestational endotheliopathy en
dc.subject Low-dose aspirin en
dc.subject L-arginine en
dc.subject placental dysfunction en
dc.title The features of the prevention of preeclampsia in pregnant women with gestational endotheliopathy in the first trimester en
dc.type Theses en

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Показати скорочений опис матеріалу