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dc.contributor.author Perebetiuk, A. M. en
dc.contributor.author Zubko, M. D. en
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-22T20:14:32Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-22T20:14:32Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation Perebetiuk A. M. Ways of modeling a ballistic experiment for the needs of a forensic medical examination of a gunshot injury / A. M. Perebetiuk, M. D. Zubko // Перспективи та інновації науки. – 2024. – №1 (35). – С. 648–657. uk_UA, en
dc.identifier.other DOI: 10.52058/2786-4952-2024-1 (35)-788-796 en
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.vnmu.edu.ua/123456789/6436 en
dc.description.abstract One of the ways to perform forensic medical research in the gunshot injury examination section is to conduct situational, controlled ballistic studies, which help to understand the position of the shooter at the time of the shot, determine the distance, the angle of the shot and other circumstances of its execution. Also, simulation of gunshot trauma is the main way of obtaining new and reliable information for scientists in the field of criminology. Thus, a natural question arises - what is the best way to simulate a gunshot injury? What simulators of the human body can be used, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them? What must be considered when modeling a gunshot injury? In order to solve these issues, a review of literary sources covering 10 years was carried out using keywords related to ballistics and human body simulators. As a result, up-to-date data on models of ballistic research were obtained and summarized. In articular, it was found that there are practically no publications dealing with the use of human cadaveric material - instead, almost all works are performed using a non-biological imitator of the human body (gelatine 10% or 20%) in combination with various types of skin of animal origin. The number of works that use mathematical, computer models of gunshot injury simulation is growing rapidly. However, there is still no model that would fully meet the main request of forensic experts, namely a complete imitation of the human body, which would include imitation of skin, subcutaneous fat, muscle tissue, bones and internal organs. Most models cover only a few of the specified parameters. It is likely that computer models will be closest to the implementation of this task. There is an increasing number of works where a layer of clothing is taken into account when conducting ballistic research, as an obstacle that affects the final indicators. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the rapid evolution and significant changes that the field of forensic ballistics has undergone. Ballistic research models have largely become more complex and complicated, which in turn increases their reliability and the possibility of implementation in practical activities. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Наукові перспективи uk_UA
dc.subject firearm en
dc.subject gunshot injury en
dc.subject biological simulators of the human body en
dc.subject non-biological simulators of the human body en
dc.subject ballistic experiment en
dc.title Ways of modeling a ballistic experiment for the needs of a forensic medical examination of a gunshot injury en
dc.title.alternative Шляхи моделювання балістичного експерименту для потреб судово-медичної експертизи вогнепальної травми uk_UA
dc.type Article en

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