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dc.contributor.author Chorna, V. V. en
dc.contributor.author Khliestova, S. S. en
dc.contributor.author Pashkovskyi, S. M. en
dc.contributor.author Humeniuk, Y. K. en
dc.contributor.author Khliestova, I. V. en
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-16T08:43:17Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-16T08:43:17Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Characteristics of the state of mental health of the population of Ukraine as a consequence of prolonged hostilities / V. V. Chorna, S. S. Khliestova, S. M. Pashkovskyi, Y. K. Humeniuk, I. V. Khliestova // Acta Balneologica Journal of the Polish Balneology and Physical Medicine Association, - 2022. - Vol. 64, № 6 (172). - Р. 568-573. en
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.vnmu.edu.ua/123456789/5988
dc.description.abstract The article presents the general characteristics of the mental health of the population of Ukraine, analyzes the incidence of mental disorders in Ukraine during the period 2018-2020, identifies the level of medical staff in Ukraine compared to EU countries, and features of the microclimate on the psychophysiological state the body of patients and medical staff of psychiatric hospitals. The content analysis of scientific literature and the bibliosemantic method was used in the work. In the course of the analysis, the statistical data of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the period 2018-2020 were used on the incidence of mental and behavioral disorders and the provision of medical personnel, forms № 18 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Report on the work on the control of environmental factors affecting the health of the population” for the period 2014-2021. It was found that men for the period 2018-2020 were more treated and treated in hospitals from 67,2% to 65,3%, respectively, and treated in day hospitals from 57,3% to 59,4%, respectively. At the same time, women were treated on an outpatient basis from 78,9% to 81,0%, respectively, with less treatment in psychiatric hospitals from 32,8% to 34,7%, respectively. The largest share of noncompliant microclimate was in 2015 – 11,3% and 2016 – 12,9%, and the lowest allowance in 2014 – 3,2%, in 2020 – 4,4%, and 2021 – 4,2%. Therefore, there is a need to create conditions for the provision of psychological and psychiatric care in mental health facilities of a new multidisciplinary type by qualified professionals. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject psychological trauma en
dc.subject war en
dc.subject psychological and psychiatric care uk_UA
dc.title Characteristics of the state of mental health of the population of Ukraine as a Consequence of prolonged hostilities en
dc.type Article en

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